The Revival Index: New COVID-19 Insights Study
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The Revival Index: New COVID-19 Insights Study

COVID-19 has triggered significant changes in the way consumers search. In just 8 weeks, mindsets have shifted from panic and preparation to adjustment and acceptance. Captify’s fresh and recent Search Intelligence Data sees all of this unfolding live and in real-time.

Our new weekly studyThe Revival Index, gives brands the dynamic and actionable insights they need to influence scenario planning, activate recovery plans, and seize opportunities for increasing market share.

  • Discover how real-time search trends shift as consumers move down the consideration path
  • From Telco to Travel – keep a pulse on revival trends by vertical
  • From shifts in eco-friendly mindsets to the new consumer micro-moments triggered by lockdown – uncover real-time trends across the consumer consideration path
  • Understand how you can utilize live intent signals revealed through search data to influence future media and marketing strategies

The Revival Desk – Powered by Sight, Captify’s Insights Studio

If you’re interested in finding out how your brand is being impacted by revival and keeping a pulse on when verticals are starting to bounce back, get in touch with your local Captify Account Team.

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