60 Seconds On: Why A ‘First-Party First’ Strategy Is Gold Dust In A C**kieless World—With Fiona Davis
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60 Seconds On: Why A ‘First-Party First’ Strategy Is Gold Dust In A C**kieless World—With Fiona Davis

By Fiona Davis, Chief Operating Officer at Captify

First-party data will undoubtedly be a hot commodity, but what’s not always clear to you the marketer, is what’s actually available and how you can make the most of it, even if you haven’t been putting first-party data first until now.

First things, first, why take a ‘first-party first’ approach? 

This is the best choice. Data sources that relied on third-party c**kie collection or aren’t compliant with global regulations aren’t fit for a privacy-first world. The good news is that this change actually leads to some major perks for brands:

  • Trust and Transparency: using consented data grants you permission to ‘speak to the consumer’, creating trust between you and your audiences
  • Options beyond walled gardens: less reliance on the likes of Google & Facebook to understand and reach audiences means you can access other alternatives beyond the walled gardens
  • Stronger marketing foundations: marketing strategies with high-quality, compliant data at their core allow you to make smarter plans and deliver better results

    Wondering how to find more first-party data beyond your own?

    Fortunately, there’s more out there than you might think. Here are the first-party data sources you can tap into to connect with audiences and drive results for your brand.

    • Brand’s first-party data, leverage what you’ve got: maximize your own powerful first-party data and work with partners that can model off your high-value customers to reach more
    • Publishers, leverage their ecosystem: many publishers own a wealth of first-party data on their specific audiences that can be leveraged to expand yours
    • First-party Search Intelligence, leverage for scale: Captify is the largest independent holder of first-party onsite search data, allowing brands to achieve the reach needed to win more customers, in the most privacy-centric way  

    Want to learn more? Download Captify’s ‘How To Ban the C-Word’ Self-Help Book

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